Friday, July 10, 2009

Follow the Money

There's probably not much point in hiding what money you have left under your mattress. The almighty dollar ain't gonna be so almighty in the future. The storm clouds are already forming on the horizon (in the direction of India and China).

Check out this story on Bloomberg to learn all the gory details.

It makes you think about a lot of things.....besides going broke and never being able to retire. For example; when was the last time you heard about a "boom town" sprouting up in the USA? If you look at a US map and go back in time (not that far back) you'll probably be able to identify a lot of boom towns that are now bust.

Is it because we no longer make stuff in the USA or are too frightened to "exploit" our nation's natural resources such as ANWAR? It seems all the economic booming these days takes place outside of the US...out of the reach of our repressive government.

True, the USA did have a lock on financial services but now the world has learned that the so called experts were nothing more than rogues, scalliwags and scamps dressed up in nice suits. I can't blame the Chinese and Indians for not trusting us. I know I wouldn't trust us. Would any of you accept a California IOU? I thought not.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hear the words of the prophet Ezekial

"Now upon you I will soon pour out My fury, And spend My anger upon you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations."

If you believe in G-d, you may have considered that all of the bad news we've been hearing might be part of a long over due divine judgement. We certainly have it coming.

Check out the link. Looks like our earthly riches will soon vanish.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rumination #1

How on earth has the USA managed to become a third world country in the matter of a mere 6 months? If somebody would have told me back in 1980 that we would have to borrow money from the communist Chinese to keep our country afloat, I would have dismissed it as tin-foil hat talk.

California is paying its bills with IOUs, General Motors and Chrysler are owned by the government and all our leaders can think about are new ways to spend money we don't have. It's going to get much worse before it gets better.

Is there anybody out there who can save us? I think not. Washington D.C. is rotten to the core. The media is corrupt and a significant number of Americans simply don't care. Michael Jackson's death is of much more concern to the MTV generation.

Good-bye America, I will miss you.